
This post will be comprised of a on going list of  the reference material I have or will use, in my research blog ‘’.

When I post on a particular subject and use a reference in that post, I will list those references at the bottom of the post.  The references used will also be added to this references page post.

Since my research is being done as an ethnographic study,  I will utilize a diverse source of reference material to help provide insight in my research to the holistic nature of  people as it relates to their interest in the source of the food they buy in open markets.



Anderson,  R.,   &  Killenberg,  G. M.   second edition (2009).  Interviewing: speaking, listening, and learning for              professional life.  NY, NY.  Oxford University Press, Inc

Clair, R. P. edited (2003).  Expressions of ethnography :  novel approaches to qualitative methods.  Albany, NY : State University of New York Press

Fox, John. (1997). Poetic Medicine, The Healing Art of Poem Making.  New York, NY. Tarcher/ Putnam- Penquin Putnam Inc

Goodall, H. L. Jr. (2000). Writing the new ethnography.  Lanham, MD. AltaMira Press

Ness, C. ( 2010 Jan edition) . Fresh thinking: organic, local, seasonal. Martha Stewart (pp 96-101)

Pollan, M.  (2008).  In defense of food. NY, NY. Penquin Press


Kenner, Robert.(2009). Food, Inc. Magnolia Pictures

HOFA- Hawaii Organic Farmers Association

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