Government networking via SNAP ( Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Opportunities)
Our federal government is funding the SNAP( Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Opportunities) program with $4 million ….”giving children and their families greater access to fresh and healthy food at farmers markets, while supporting American farmers and local economies”. (USDA Office of Communications bulletin 05/09/12)
Many families are limited in their access to fresh produce available at farmers markets across the country because the market does not have the ability to accept EBT cards as payment. With this funding States may provide the equipment needed to farmers’ markets that currently do not have the ability to redeem SNAP benefits through EBT thus increasing options to purchase fresh, healthy, local and economically priced produce at those locations.
The USDA has a website that lists farmers markets who accept EBT. Check it out at
This is a great step to getting people to eat better…access to the opportunity is key!